On the basis of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), in force since 12 October 2002 and the provisions of the RGPD (EU) 2016/679, on the protection of personal data, EFFICOLD, S.A., with registered address at Ctra. Córdoba-Málaga km. 80,800, 14900 Lucena (Córdoba) I.R.M. de Córdoba, Tomo 395 General, 254 de la Sección 3ª, Folio 66, Hoja 6.298 con CIF A14219836, owner of the website http://www.effimed.es, has proceeded to create an automated personal data file, in which the data necessary for the operations of EFFICOLD, S.A. are collected.
Pursuant to the aforementioned laws, you have the right to oppose, access, rectify and cancel the aforementioned data at the following address proteccion.datos@efficold.com
The transmission, distribution, reproduction or storage, in whole or in part, is forbidden, except with the express prior written consent EFFICOLD, S.A., and except where otherwise indicated.
The logos of Efficold SA. group companies, as well as the names of their products, are registered trademarks.
This website may contain links to external sites for the content of which Efficold SA. not responsible.
Efficold SA. product specifications and photographs, as well as any other information contained herein, may be changed without notice and are not subject to any warranty of any kind.Efficold SA. is not liable for any direct or indirect damage that may result from the accuracy, truthfulness or completeness of such information, or the use that may be made of it.